Integrated Business Applications UX

While consulting for a global electronics company, this project was a complex problem distilled into a simple UX - an integrated interface which utilized some systems that were already in place and some that were new; as a bridge. I worked with a business analyst and spoke with all stakeholders to discover, prototype and test the experience.

The idea was to give multiple personas the ability to easily set up and manage content (manager level) and campaigns (marketing level) for customers to send out easily. At the time, distributors sent out their own pieces, which was not only a branding nightmare but was extremely time consuming. If we could get distributors to be able to send out pre-made campaigns ready for their customers, we would be in their inboxes sooner and more frequently. 

One problem that came up was how to make sure assets would work in any campaign system that was already being used. We did not want to disrupt customer workflow – just provide them with access to what they need with a scheduler. I had lots of experience with coding HTML emails myself (absolute URLs everywhere), so I felt the best way to keep all assets in tact was the proposal to export a full HTML package into their mail sending system. I knew that most apps support import or simple copy and paste HTML, and it would give us the ability to refer to our hosted images without them lifting a finger.

Another key feature of this project was a shared calendar view based on permissions. This allowed the content and campaign managers to set up campaigns while our distributors knew when they were running and what to expect was upcoming. This allowed heightened communication and configuration for teams to plan ahead seamlessly using their preferred calendars - a great example of a solution being transparent with integration.

The interactive prototype was created in Axure so I could use clickable flows at the beginning for stakeholders and use the rest as a prototype via HTML while keeping everything in one file. We partnered with Adobe's technical team to integrate with their Experience Manager software, making sure our solution could be truly implemented using any email program that a customer wanted to send packages created and distributed by this tool.

Open the thumbnails for visuals into the process.